Complete Koi and Aquatics are a brand new start-up supplying Koi Carp for aquariums and outdoor ponds. As well as live fish they also stock all the necessary accessories from large cost items such as water pumps to relatively low-cost products such as fish food and plants, all available to purchase online. They stock leading aquatic brands such as Fluval and Bermuda
The Koi Carp marketplace has a number of online vendors so needed to be different, visually stunning and offer a memorable user experience especially on mobile devices
Added features such as customized shipping methods, discount codes, FAQs, a unique buying guide, a 5-star review system and an online chat linked to their FB page make the go-to online portal for Koi carp enthusiasts.
Setting up a business for the first time was both daunting and challenging. I had a list as long as my arm of various tasks which needed to be complete for the business to be both functional and professional.
Having a smart website was at the top of the list and something which I deem to be of paramount importance, given how much we ALL rely on the internet these days. I assessed my timescale to launch and quickly decided that trying to learn how to build a website whilst juggling a mountain of other tasks was going to be simply impossible.
After meeting several web developers at various networking events, I re-connected with Shak from the Online Marketing Group after a visit to BNI Wilmslow. We sat down to discuss the project in hand, and I got a good feeling about Shak and the previous work he had undertaken… The rest is history.
Shak was extremely proficient in getting my company, Complete Koi & Aquatics a certified web presence. As we wanted to enter into the world of ecommerce, Shak steered me down a route of using a Shopify platform which is modular, easy to use, secure and looks great.
As a person, I go by the saying ’Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime’ (excuse the pun). After Shak built the skeleton of the website to my specification and came up with some great innovative ideas along the way the rest of our journey was extremely educational. When I needed something doing, Shak helped me achieve this by showing me how, which further enhanced my knowledge of the Shopify platform.
I am now a proficient Shopify user, and still have the advantage of leaning on Shak for advice and knowledge when new tasks present themselves. Shak is hard working, courteous and always professional in his approach to business. I would highly recommend anyone with with web requirements (ecommerce or otherwise) to consider using the Online Marketing Group as their web developer/consultant.
Once again, the team at Complete Koi & Aquatics are extremely grateful for Shaks attention to detail and creative approach in bringing our business to life online.
Kind regards,
Charlie Ingham
Director – Complete Koi & Aquatics
ClientComplete Koi&AquaticsServicesShopify, Design, Content, User ExperienceYear2020Link